The big question for any firm is why blog? With our Twitter feed and our contributing to publications (more on that in another post), why commit to this short-form communication medium?
With Twitter we are able to swiftly post a quick thought and add the link to whatever news or commentary sparked our need to share. When appropriate, we place that same bite size note into Linkedin increasing our reach. However, there is so much going on in our industry, and the industries we cover, that we are on occasion desiring to pen 200-800 words when so moved.
Andrew Corn our CEO will approve all topics and be our primary writer. The entire team is open to contribute unedited, and the conclusions they draw will be their own, and perhaps fodder for rebuttal or augmented thoughts in additional posts.
Our need to share will also provide some of the “thought leadership” and esteem building we so often discuss with our clients. The difference, we will not be heavily editing, designing, or producing these posts so as not to be confused with white papers or publications with deeper primary research.
Stay tuned. We plan on being entertaining, informative and on occasion, provocative.