Jan. 2015

Why Do Successful Salespeople Love Modern Marketing?

For those of you who had already embraced modern marketing, you were probably welcomed back to your office after the holidays with many prospects fully engaged and informed, ready to purchase your products or services. You may have also been handed a list of prospects who won’t fill out a web form or call you. They have identified their interest based on their behavior. They’ve visited your web site multiple times, read your Thought Leadership, and are prime prospects, prepped for your call.

It’s 2015, and marketing and sales are no longer divided or separate entities. As the sales rack up based on marketing’s qualified leads, indeed, successful salespeople respect and embrace modern marketing.

Today our brand of marketing and advertising provides our clients the ability to simultaneously precision target a large dataset of prospects, appropriately segmented; with the right positioning and messages to motivate them to engage, and ultimately purchase. Unlike years past, predictive analytics is implemented to forecast and optimize each communication touch-point, improving positioning and creative messaging. We measure how and at what pace prospects move through the marketing funnel. We can see (and track) the behavior of every prospect as they move further along the process; from unaware of your company, to aware and knowledgeable of your brand and products or services. And with each of those steps, comes its own decision tree and appropriate message to guiding prospects on their path.

Our ability to create this guided yet unobtrusive path for thousands (or millions) of prospects simultaneously is uber efficient and turns salespeople from hunters into closers. Marketing is no longer simply shouting your company name out to the world in every which way, but has evolved into a measured and strategic placement that facilitates prospects to understand and appreciate your business, product, or service at their own pace before you’ve ever met them – and you don’t have to be IBM or Apple to afford to be on-board.

Sales teams no longer need to seek out fresh prospects. (But yes, sales teams still need to be knowledgeable and likable.) Today armed with highly intelligent automated hunting processes, gathering prospects through our sustainable methodology, the most successful salespeople are already leveraging and loving modern marketing. They only meet prospects who are aware of their company and have shown behavioral or self-identified interest. No wonder successful salespeople are in love. Welcome to 2015.


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